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Welcome to SNPerformance

Personal Trainer in Derby

Personal Training in Derby

Shane Nicholson, ex-football and coach to elite athletes, beginning his journey in the world of fitness coaching as a personal trainer in Derby by SNPerformance.

How I get results

I'm not just any personal trainer in Derby, SN performance is here to guide you through all stages of your journey. Utilising the best equipment and strategies to ensure your goals are met. We create a plan to help you reach your fitness goals, and it's not just training. We provide guidance on diet and basic exercises you can do in your own time to increase your fitness and overall health.

What you need to commit to

It doesn't matter if you're trying to lose weight, beat your previous marathon time or wanting to build muscle, every journey requires commitment. A commitment to wanting to better yourself.

1-2-1 Personal Training

As a personal trainer in Derby, my goal is to help you acquire the results you desire, but it’s also very important for me to help you become the healthiest, happiest and also the best version of yourself possible.

PT For Beginners

I’m passionate about helping you achieve that correct balance for you and your lifestyle. It doesn't matter if you've never stepped foot into a gym, as your personal trainer, you're never alone. If you're looking for a personal trainer in Derby to get started, my 20 years experience in professional sports has me well equipped to deal with a wide variety of situations and circumstances.

Personal Training – The Next Step

Looking to go to the next stage? Having worked as a first team performance fitness coach, I’m experienced in getting players to elite level fitness and my clients to peak condition. If you're looking to continue your weightless journey or you're simply looking to gain muscle, SN Performance is the best personal trainer in Derby.

Let's get you started.


Welcome to SNPerformance, the home of personal training, by me, Shane Nicholson, a performance coach with over 20 years experience with proessional fitness.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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